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Using The Best Wedge Pillow For GERD

Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, is known to be a condition wherein the acids in the stomach try to enter the esophagus which is not a normal process to begin with. Usually, the sphincter at the lower part of the esophagus prevents the acids in the stomach from experiencing such condition. However, for a person with Gastro-esophageal reflux disease or GERD, this relaxes and enables the acids in the stomach to go up. As time passes by, the esophageal lining may be damaged. And this can then lead to the condition which is known as esophagitis. Based on what you have learned, GERD or Gastro-esophageal reflux disease can be a very serious disease to consider especially when there is no treatment administered. That is why, it is of great importance that this kind of condition will be properly addressed and symptoms will be prevented from occurring as much as possible. Find the best wedge pillow for GERD here. Ways of how Bed Wedge Pillows assist in preventing Gastro-esophageal reflux disease Heartburn has been identified as the main symptom of GERD. Based on what was previously stated, such thing occurs when acids in the stomach would travel up. Such form of condition could worsen when you sleep at night since gravity could go against you. When you lay down in your bed or in your couch in a supine position, then gravity will not be present to keep acids in the stomach to stay down. For that matter, it is of great importance that you choose to have your head elevated. And the elevation must be from the lower stomach towards your head. It is basically the design of the Bed Wedge Pillows which are used for people with GERD condition. The Bed Wedge Pillows are about thirty inches in length. This even has a gradual type of slope which peaks around at eight inches. Such aspect is the height which studies have already revealed the best forms of effects to prevent heartburn from being experienced during night time. Will normal pillows be useful when sleeping at night? You may choose to have a couple of pillows piled up and place these on a slant position. However, this kind of thing will not be that effective compared to using the acid reflux Bed Wedge Pillows. Since such pillows were made by experts in gastroenterology, then the width and height of the pillow is just perfect for you. At the same time, these are made from special foams which could actually hold itself compared to polyester and feather pillows.

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